quinta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2015

24 de Dezembro | December 24

Pre-War Tour: SFX Centre - Dublin, Ireland
   Indisponível | Not available
Grafton Street - Dublin, Ireland
    Stand By Me
    Knockin' On Heaven's Door

Bono canta nas ruas de Dublin na véspera do Natal com Damien Rice, Glen Hansard, Mundy e outros para arrecadar dinheiro para a Simon Community de Dublin.

Bono appears in a busking session with Damien Rice, Glen Hansard, Mundy and others to raise money for Dublin's Simon Community.

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Grafton Street - Dublin, Ireland
    White Christmas
    Happy Xmas (War Is Over)

Como em 2009, Bono canta nas ruas de Dublin na véspera do Natal para ajudar o Peter McVerry Trust. Ele canta com outros artistas como Damien Dempsey, Damien Rice, Glen Hansard e The Coronas.

Like in 2009, Bono busks on Grafton Street on Christmas Eve in aid of the Peter McVerry Trust. He performs with other artists including Damien Dempsey, Damien Rice, Glen Hansard, and The Coronas.

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Grafton Street - Dublin, Ireland
    Christmas (Baby, Please Come Home)
    Silent Night

Bono canta nas ruas de Dublin com Glen Hansard, Damien Rice, Mundy, Declan O'Rourke e outros para arrecadar dinheiro para os sem-abrigo no Natal.

Bono busks with Glen Hansard, Damien Rice, Mundy, Declan O'Rourke and others to raise money for the homeless at Christmas.

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Grafton Street - Dublin, Ireland
    Christmas (Baby, Please Come Home) / I Believe In Father Christmas (snippet)
    Silent Night
    Desire / Not Fade Away (snippet)

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Grafton Street - Dublin, Ireland
    Merry Xmas Everybody
    O Come, All Ye Faithful

Bono canta na Grafton Street com Glen Hansard.

Bono busking again with Glen Hansard at Grafton Street.

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Grafton Street - Dublin, Ireland
    When Love Comes to Town
    Every Breaking Wave
    Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

Bono canta novamente na na Grafton Street com Glen Hansard, Hozier, The Script e The Coronas.

Bono busking again with Glen Hansard, Hozier, The Script and The Coronas at Grafton Street.

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South King Street - Dublin, Ireland
    Love Is Bigger Than Anything in Its Way
    O Holy Night
    Christmas (Baby, Please Come Home)

Bono canta na véspera de Natal pela primeira vez desde 2015 e é acompanhado por The Edge, em sua primeira aparição no evento anual. A apresentação acontece em frente ao Teatro Gaiety, a uma curta distância da localização habitual, na Grafton Street.

Bono busks on Christmas Eve for the first time since 2015, and is joined by The Edge in his first appearance at the annual event. The event happens outside The Gaiety Theatre, a short distance from the usual location of Grafton Street. (U2Gigs)

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St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin

A cerimônia anual da véspera de Natal, filmada em 19 de dezembro, é transmitida.

The annual Christmas Eve busking filmed on December 19 is aired.

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